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Paint Renovator 325ml


2 in stock

Auto Glym 325ml Paint Renovator
Autoglym Paint Renovator is an abrasive paint restorer
The use of any abrasive polish on automotive paintwork should always be restricted to the correction of specific problems such as scratches or oxidation
Automotive paintwork is extremely thin and every time the surface is renovated using abrasive compounds some of the paint is removed
Most original finishes are tougher on the outer surface than the underneath layers
The outer layer should therefore be preserved as far as possible
We recommend you always try Autoglym Super Resin Polish first as it may rectify your problem without undue paint removal
If additional treatment is required Autoglym Paint Renovator contains exceptionally fast working abrasives to give a rapid but controllable cutting and polishing action
It contains no silicone and will remove light scratches and oxidation

Weight 0.001 kg



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