Carlton FP-ECOFIX Rapid Set Fence Post Cement 20kg
All types of posts including:
– Wood
– Metal
– Concrete
– Formulation includes a unique blend of sustainable materials
– Plastic bags that are showerproof and recyclable
– Rapid setting product
– Easy to use
– Eco-friendly product
No mixing required, just add water
Rapid setting product – sets within 5 to 10 minutes
Factory produced – consistent & premium quality
The amount of FP-ECOFIX required will depend on the size of the hole & post e.g. 1 bag = square post 10CM (4″) with a hole 20CM (8″) wide x 75CM (30″) deep.
Carlton FP-ECOFIX is a factory produced rapid set fence post
concrete that sets in 5 to 10 minutes consisting of dried sands,
cement and other additives.
1.2 Authority
Carlton FP-ECOFIX is manufactured under a registered ISO 9001
Quality System.
Materials used comply with the following standards:
Admixtures do not contain calcium chlorides.
Water added on site should be clean and free from impurities.
2. Description
2.1 Manufacture
All raw materials and end products are subject to regular quality
control procedures and testing.
Dried sand and other materials are weighed and mixed under
computer control with rigorous quality control procedures.
3. Packaging
Carlton FP-ECOFIX is available in 20Kg plastic bags that are
showerproof and recyclable.
5. Conditions of Use
Carlton FP-ECOFIX may be used to fix all types of wood, metal
and concrete posts.
Carlton FP-ECOFIX may be used for fixing decking posts, rotary
washing lines and small/medium sized gateposts (less than
1.0m width gate).
If a particular compressive strength is required, Carlton
FP-ECOFIX should not be used.
Recommended temperature range for use is 5°C to 30°C.
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